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Kanatak Tribal Council

Henry F. Forshey - phone: 610-704-8112 / new email hfforshey@yahoo.com
Vice President:
Shawn Shanigan - phone: 907-315-3878 / email: kanatak@mtaonline .net
Gus Yovino- phone: 907-529-8002
Council Member:
Sophia Rane - phone: 773-789-3528 / email: wisemonger@sbcglobal.net
Council Member:
TJ Forshey - phone: 717-953-6932 / email: timothyforshey@yahoo.com
Executive Director:
Tess McGowan - phone: 610-217-0399 / email: tessmcgowan@ymail.com
Tribal Administrator: Shawn Shanigan - phone: 907-315-3878 / email: kanatak@mtaonline.net
Please feel free to contact us at any time.